Sunday, August 12, 2012

culture or scam?

Cole said he wanted to meet up with me, "I really need your attention, at least 2 hours. Please make time for me"...Oki, might be something related to his I set up an appointment. Not wanting to meet this guy alone, I tried to ask my ex-roomate who's staying in UM to accompany me but she didn't respond.

Finally I met up with Cole, he wanted to buy me lunch but I lied and said I already ate...then he said he wants to open a business in Malaysia and just needs my IC.
Err, what? But that's not all, then he said he dream that I would be in the next Olympic and he told me he also prayed for me...After that, he said from the start he knew it was me and started all the praising and sweet talk which I didn't really pay attention to, but the last sentence caught me off guard. He said "I want you to be my girlfriend" and his eyes was kinda teary...

Huh? Er, I don't plan to be in a relationship until I get my degree..
he said "I can wait"

His business plan is a recycling machine, whereby people put recycled stuffs in there and they get back money...I asked how is that profitable if you give money out?

He said he feels God wants him to do something good for Malaysia...

Why don't you open the company in your own country?
Then I couldn't really understand what he was saying...either he was speaking too soft or I couldn't understand his accent...

He asked when can we meet again? I said monday I'll be helping out... When he heard that there will be a group of people he declined...

He said he wants my personal email so that he can email me the proposal for the business. I said just use the university email. He said no.

He asked where do I stay and all...I gave general answers.
He said why are Malaysians so untrusting, negative and think he is scheming...


Ok, Cole is a UM Masters student...I try to help out UM -ers by answering surveys and questionaires and Cole happen to be one of them. The first time he contacted me I felt really weird cause he was very inquisive of my biodata and personal life, before things went over, I realised this is too much and not related to his Masters at all. He said he just want to know me better...he kept wanting to meet me and buy me lunch or dinner but I tried to avoid it. Then he went on to ask for Facebook or Yahoo ID or my personal email. No way...

I asked my Malaysian friend who was brought up in the overseas, is it weird or it is their culture to be so inquisive...she told me not to worry, it's their culture...

This is only his second time meeting me but already asking me to be his girlfriend?
At a first thought, I feel like it's a scam...this black guy from Canada, asking personal questions, asks me to be gf, wants my IC for business? Doesn't want to use UM email and doesn't want to meet up if there is a group of people?

But then again, maybe Westerners are memang like that?

My old school friend warn me of foreigners using and cheating Malaysians to open a company...

Before this, I prayed to God to give me a boyfriend that will bring me closer to God.
Hmm, is this an answered prayer?

When I was born, my parents dream for me was to be travelling, therefore my chinese name means "maple leaf" the one in the Canada Flag...My mom also hoped for me to marry a mat-salleh


  1. Mana ada, it's your dream yang mau marry a mat-salleh. you yang told her that when you were VERY young. haha! I would be very very very very very (ya, EXTREMELY) careful if I were you. But that's me.;) xx
