Monday, December 19, 2022

Working Maturity Mindset


Working maturity and the expectations that comes with each seniority level.


The expectations or working maturity in working life as explained to me by Kent Chin.

Working Maturity Mindset

Intern: Questions

Junior: Questions, Solution Options

Senior: Root of Problem, Solution Options, Best Solution

Manager: Root of Problem, Best Solution, Improvement, Prevention, Strategic thinking


Intern phase: See them as blank papers, teach them basics like how to identify the complications, and how to react or reply. This is the HOW Phase whereby things are taught.


Junior phase: Guide to think, ask yourself questions like "What is your opinion about this matter?" and "What options do we have to solve this problem?" In other words, The WHAT-can-we-do phase. You think of available options , opening to the possibility of inclusion as team player.

As you become a junior, you are to think of possible solutions.


Senior: Guide to think deeper, put weightage or importance on their thoughts -"Which solution option is the best? Which chain of reaction is this or led to this?" Think of the significance and consequences of each path chosen. "Why did this happen and why the selected solution is better compared to other options?". This is the Which and WHY Phase where thoughts are weighted.

In the senior stage, you should think about which solution option is the best and why the problem occurred.


Manager: In this phase, you think of improvement, enhancement, prevention, productivity, feasibility, how to add value to company and department, aligning directions, overall comprehensive thinking.

Succession planning and building up those in other phases so all parties can further mature and grow in the company is important. A leader would act as a facilitator to encourages thinking via guiding questions and knowledge sharing instead of just providing the solutions without utilizing the teaching moment. Succession planning would also entail the ability to duplicate processes or decision making so that the company has business continuity hence the need for Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) which sort of acts like a FAQ. Sharing knowledge includes the understanding of WHY we do something (The main objective) and this makes a huge difference for others to feel a sense of importance of their work instead of blindly following instructions. When the others know the WHY or objective then they may feel more excited to contribute ideas in how to improve or come out with a fresh perspective, this builds up confidence and hunger to contribute. 

Manager is more wholesome therefore they would not only have to find the best solution and think of the repercussions, but also to attempt to prevent such problem at an early stage and go on to higher level of thinking - which is the Strategic thinking - which mainly focuses on improvement, efficiency, future effects, prevention, risk management, cost effectivity, effort vs results, and all other futuristic aspects like business continuity.

In short, think strategically - think further, think future, and big picture.


Mentors take time to mold your team, facilitate your expectation or how they ought to think when they become more experienced. Help them see the bigger picture but not too much that you overwhelm them.