I don't like my 'Anatomy and Physiology' lecturer, he changed the time table! ;'(
Now i got night classes on Tuesdays...7.45pm-11pm...meaning, bye bye tuesday rugby practices...boohoohoo.
btw tuesday rugby prac is at 5.30pm-8pm.
I've been attending the UM CF...fridays 12.30pm at Geology faculty. Met RBS Ruth there.
Apparently everyday at 5pm-7pm the sports management students have to do sports, so our lecturer cannot have classes in the evening loh.
My elder bro Tommy gave me a camera! Yay! Now i have a camera :) BUT erm, what's the use of the camera if i don't use it right? So, i guess i gotta start snapping some pics..err, any idea on what to take pics of?
Guys coming after me..i don't know how to respond...clueless about this sort of stuffs. ATM, just act like normal.
I don't know why Prince has been very supportive and exceptionally kind and good to me...What happened to my younger bro la? Is it cause he sort of misses me? haha, perasan betul! Maybe cause he know's that i'm sort of straying away from my Redeemer?
Something changed in me..Since i entered Uni, i easily tear. I try to conceal it from public view...Why the sudden emo-ness? Cultural shock perhaps?
I'm still sort of like a lone ranger in uni...almost anti-social. Do things alone. suddenly disappear... I've changed! Is it due to ignoring my God?