Tuesday, February 14, 2012

eyes, attitude n marks...

I guess something is wrong with my eyesight...
when I first open a book and look at the white page, my left eyes kinda see a blur white ball shape for about the first 10 seconds. After that, it's ok...

Yesterday when I entered Pusat Sukan, everything seemed to dim and someone called my name, I couldn't see him, only the figure of a body until he came like 2 steps away from me then only I could see him.
Today also at the same place, someone else called me. Same prob, the hallway seemed dim and all i could see was a figure waving at me and when she passed by me then only I could see her...

Maybe my eyes was not adjusted efficiently as I was from outside under the sun and pusat sukan is not lighted up...Kinda like the effect when you walk into a dark room from a bright room. Perhaps my eyes takes longer time to adjust...

I feel sad because majority of my classmates got A but I got an A minus.  Argh, people who are not really good in academic get better results than me...WHY!!! We were in the same group and yet they got higher marks than me...

I'm such a sore loser...my attitude is bad and being too Kiasu will make lecturers hate you. Please clean up your personality Mun! You should stop thinking that you're better than everybody else in the world. It's really terrible.

Sometimes I do wonder, are we graded on our attitude, first impression or our answer sheet? 

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