Tuesday, April 5, 2011

how 2 bonus marks brought the highest to the 4th place.

My lecturer Dr Selina Khoo called me KIASU...LoLs, I never really considered myself kiasu before but I had stamped myself as being a super sore loser, I don't really accept losing gracefully.

Ok, now onto today's main topic...Sociology carry marks.
The weight is 20% for test, 20% for presentation and 20% for assignment. The remaining 40% is for the final exam.

I tried my best for the test and managed to score one of the highest score in my class.
Presentation is just not my strength as I don't really have people skill or communication skills. So, I was 3rd lowest in class. Well, at least I got more than half for presentation.
Assignment, we just passed it up and so we have to wait for it.

You see, on my own effort i got 33.5 over 40.
Suddenly today our lecturer said she will give bonus 2 marks for those who went to batu road school, which by the way was NOT compulsory nor did she state that bonus 2 marks would be allocated if we attend the batu road school pre-training!

So now from highest, I dropped down to 4th place because of the bonus 2 marks! Walauweh, macam ini pun boleh kah?

It's alright by S club 7
It's alright
You know it's gonna be alright
Oh yeah

You gotta understand now
Tomorrow is brighter day
The memories will fade away
And the sun will shine, on you

So many friends you get to make
So many hearts you get to break
So much love you gotta give
Your whole life's still left to live

Spread your wings and fly
Kiss the pain goodbye
Let the tears run dry
You gotta get yourself together

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