Friday, August 19, 2011


Owh, sedihnya saya pada minggu ini.
Saya tak dapat menghadiri latihan ragbi kerana sedang menolong mak,
Saya tidak dapat jogging bersama kawan-kawan kerana mak minta saya balik.
Saya tidak berjaya dapat biasiswa Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Saya terserempak dengan wallpost MRU yang agak mencemarkan nama Dingoes.

Biasiswa YTAR
Walaupun saya telah cuba sedaya upaya dan sebaik mungkin tetapi nampaknya saya tidak cukup hebat untuk mendapat biasiswa ini. Ya, saya agak sedih namun saya tahu yang saya telah memberi my best dan that there's nothing that I could have done better. At least I know that I won't regret that I went for the interview and went all the way...
Oh well, I did my best. Guess I wasn't good enough.
So, buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih: Pengalaman yang saya dapat sepanjang proses pemilihan dan sesi temuramah tidak akan dilupai oleh saya.

Inspirational quotes from the internet...
The past should be the past. It can destroy the future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. 
Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life
Failure is not an excuse not to trust yourself.
It's hard to wait around for something you know won't happen, but it's even harder to stop waiting when you know it's everything you want.
alright, so after a few hours of being sad, i got to get back up again.
For some of you, you know that I'm a sore loser aka kiasu as in once I lose something I give up on it and don't ever want to go through it.

For instance when i lost in standard 6 in the 100m (I got 2nd place) then I stop running 100 meters and took up long distance in secondary school. I took up open runs as long as I got position, certificate and medal but once I didn't get a position I changed to walking. Just like that, each time I lose I will totally stop and change. SORE LOSER right? That's why I'm so kiasu, DON'T wanna lose.

but this time, I wanna change, I don't want to give up. Just as the quote above "Failure is NOT an excuse to not trust yourself"

So in a way the scholarship application gave me the courage to believe in myself,  I want to prove to myself that I'm worth it. I am somebody. All my life I've been looking down on myself, telling myself don't ever dream of applying for a scholarship, You can't do much in life.

I know I failed and didn't get it but yeah, I've gained a bit of confidence and self esteem in myself...

Funnily, I was actually quite confident that I would get it but failed..LoL, you know the other time that I was very confident on something was in Form 5; the sports house captain-ship, but that also was a sudden fail. I guess next time I should not be confident that I'll succeed, just a Hope would be sufficient, Don't make it a SURE, just a HOPE.

It has been my philosophy, don't aim too high, you'll just end up with disappointment if you fail. Aim low so you will achieve it in reality and you won't be surprised if things don't go your way since you already "expected it"

"Never break four things in your life - TRUST, RELATION, PROMISE & HEART because when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot..." Charles Dickens

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