Sunday, July 17, 2011

sour-here (souvenir)

Today i was thinking about souvenirs...
why do people want them so desperately? 
whenever someone says they are going somewhere, immediately the most common reaction from other people would be, "get something for me", "Don't forget to get me a souvenir", "I want SOUVENIR"...

Dear people, 
Firstly think of the person going on the trip...he/she has to buy "souvenir" with their OWN MONEY and who knows how many souvenirs they have to get? 

Secondly, come on, what is the main purpose of the person who's going on the trip...of cause it's not purposely go and buy souvenirs for people right? You want the person to go and waste his/her time and money instead of concentrating and focusing more resources (time, effort n money) on whatever purpose he/she is on the trip is it?

Thirdly, why do you even want a souvenir in the first place?

Why do you feel sad and disappointed and hurt when people don't bring anything back for you? 

I really feel puzzled and don't understand what's with all this desperate wanting of someone to get something for you from don't give money and you expect that person to use her resources to get you something...and poor person has to get something for so many people...

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