my laptop has gone for an operation...the screen is like a tv with a bad ariel, jumping up and down the screen like a hyperactive person.
My pen drive has gone missing, how am i gonna get my assignment done now? laptop and pendrive, now i realize how important you two are for assignments!
On Saturday we went to Singapore for the match against Blacks A.
As usual, I'm a winger forever, i guess this game is the game I ran a lot but didn't do much though...felt like i ran everywhere and wasn't really playing by my position.
In this game I ran from one side of the field to the other just to close the gap.
Each time i marked their winger, their outside-center would kick the ball and i would be too slow to follow the ball. I need to learn how to look up and see the game instead of eying the ball only.
As usual, it's my weakness that I can't tackle properly resulting opposition scoring a try.
I don't quite remember what i did, but my team mates said I blow-over...did I?
I got the ball twice but didn't manage to go far. I must learn how to find gaps. When I had the ball, I wanted to pump my feet but my support told me to go down because the ball was in danger.
Well, the referee was kayu la, the opposition didn't ground the ball, the ball was on top her body, how can that be called a try? There were other instances where the referee gave bad calls repeatedly...Gawsh, Kayu Betul la.
After the game, the coaches and our captain and another senior player completely abandoned us...Thank God, there was still Becks and Zet or not it would be all the Old Timers aka Superstars or top management completely left us to fend by our self...
Lena Kula got lost so many times, But managed to find our way back...I guess that just wasn't our day.
Police doing road block on the highway? Wow, first time i encountered that.
this picture was from our first game at Republic Polytechnic, the start of singapore 15s league.
THE RANDOM BLABBING OF MINE ON THE ATTIC THAT NEVER EXISTED... "Till by faith I met HIM face to face And I felt the wonder of HIS grace Then I knew that HE was more Than just a GOD who didn't care Who lived away out there, and Now He walks beside me day by day Ever watching over me lest I stray Helping me to find that narrow way HE's everything to me." RALPH CARMICHAEL
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
UM election
morning wake up call...the announcement that the election has come to the voting day...
get free makan after voting.
Opposition (Pro Mahasiswa) put leaflet on what to bring and how the voting system is done.
bring Matrix card.
enter the room, manual attendance (show matrix card) -they cross out your name on the paper.
Computerized attendance (fill in ic number n select HADIR,) -computer generated 6 digit pin number (write it down on the UM stick it note and take the note with you, click OK and DONE)
Walk to the Voting Computer (Fill in matrix card and 6 digit pin)
There was a NOT RESPONDING lag for 1 minute, then rules page of the time limit, 3 min and 2 min for Umum and faculty. Any longer than the given time, your vote is undi rosak. Vote 9 General and 2 faculty candidate. Tak sempat read finish, the page refresh again...[aiya, if like this will my vote be considered undi rosak?]
then Fill in matrix card and 6 digit number cause refresh page again.[haiz, that's why la, e-voting sucks]
read the rules finish then click I ACCEPT/UNDERSTAND
then general candidate picture, just names and number...aiyo, how la? i thought vote for 1 only, rupa-rupanya vote for 9 i only vote for 7...minumum 1 candidate, maximum 9 candidate... The lime limit was crazy loh...Feel stressed by the time limit...felt like doing a test, KM test with time limit. Click DONE. faculty got no election so i only can vote for general. Walk out, take food coupon which entitled me for a hotdog.
Apparently in college 12, they got a RM5 coupon, can buy whatever food or drink they want...LOLS.
results out at 6.30pm...i had test so couldn't join the action.
official result out about 9pm...
Pro M won all 9 general seats and the margin was 4000, woah!
if i'm not mistaken 80% of the faculty seats was won by Pro Mahasiswa.
quite cool...
oh, by the way, Did I miss out the story of death threats and disappearance of a candidate?
Oh, also apparently last night, there was some protest or mogok...i didn't know about it cause i was busy studying for my CPR practical test and my health & fitness test...chap 1 to chap 10...Aiya, what a wrong time to have tests, how i wanna join the action and politics? :P
the elections are held every year...that means once in 2 sem.
Last semester the leadership was held by Penggerak Mahasiswa, this sem and next sem will be Pro Mahasiswa, so let's see the difference. Compare and contrast, see and experience which party did better? To be fair, just measure by a semester only because I only "tasted" one semester from Penggerak's side and it was the 2nd part of the year only that i experienced, meaning they had the sem before i entered Uni to be established so on my 3rd sem only will i start comparing the difference...give them a sem's time to get established first.
who knows maybe the next election will be won by independents fully..haha
the question i ask is, will the candidates bring about changes or is it a joke? Is the Uni making students think the students are in control...Can they bring their manifesto into reality?
To all my stpm friends who got their results's just a piece of paper, another exam result in your's not the end of the world yet, there are many more chapters of your life to be written. I'm sure you know that STPM results is the end of the road but it is the beginning of a new phase in life...for those on the path of tertiary education, life will be totally different, say bye bye to tuitions..hehe.
get free makan after voting.
Opposition (Pro Mahasiswa) put leaflet on what to bring and how the voting system is done.
bring Matrix card.
enter the room, manual attendance (show matrix card) -they cross out your name on the paper.
Computerized attendance (fill in ic number n select HADIR,) -computer generated 6 digit pin number (write it down on the UM stick it note and take the note with you, click OK and DONE)
Walk to the Voting Computer (Fill in matrix card and 6 digit pin)
There was a NOT RESPONDING lag for 1 minute, then rules page of the time limit, 3 min and 2 min for Umum and faculty. Any longer than the given time, your vote is undi rosak. Vote 9 General and 2 faculty candidate. Tak sempat read finish, the page refresh again...[aiya, if like this will my vote be considered undi rosak?]
then Fill in matrix card and 6 digit number cause refresh page again.[haiz, that's why la, e-voting sucks]
read the rules finish then click I ACCEPT/UNDERSTAND
then general candidate picture, just names and number...aiyo, how la? i thought vote for 1 only, rupa-rupanya vote for 9 i only vote for 7...minumum 1 candidate, maximum 9 candidate... The lime limit was crazy loh...Feel stressed by the time limit...felt like doing a test, KM test with time limit. Click DONE. faculty got no election so i only can vote for general. Walk out, take food coupon which entitled me for a hotdog.
Apparently in college 12, they got a RM5 coupon, can buy whatever food or drink they want...LOLS.
results out at 6.30pm...i had test so couldn't join the action.
official result out about 9pm...
Pro M won all 9 general seats and the margin was 4000, woah!
if i'm not mistaken 80% of the faculty seats was won by Pro Mahasiswa.
quite cool...
oh, by the way, Did I miss out the story of death threats and disappearance of a candidate?
Oh, also apparently last night, there was some protest or mogok...i didn't know about it cause i was busy studying for my CPR practical test and my health & fitness test...chap 1 to chap 10...Aiya, what a wrong time to have tests, how i wanna join the action and politics? :P
the elections are held every year...that means once in 2 sem.
Last semester the leadership was held by Penggerak Mahasiswa, this sem and next sem will be Pro Mahasiswa, so let's see the difference. Compare and contrast, see and experience which party did better? To be fair, just measure by a semester only because I only "tasted" one semester from Penggerak's side and it was the 2nd part of the year only that i experienced, meaning they had the sem before i entered Uni to be established so on my 3rd sem only will i start comparing the difference...give them a sem's time to get established first.
who knows maybe the next election will be won by independents fully..haha
the question i ask is, will the candidates bring about changes or is it a joke? Is the Uni making students think the students are in control...Can they bring their manifesto into reality?
To all my stpm friends who got their results's just a piece of paper, another exam result in your's not the end of the world yet, there are many more chapters of your life to be written. I'm sure you know that STPM results is the end of the road but it is the beginning of a new phase in life...for those on the path of tertiary education, life will be totally different, say bye bye to tuitions..hehe.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
politic in UM elections
As some of you know, It's the UM election time now...I'm sure you saw the news on Star newspaper and NTV 7 night news...Students damaging the door of Kompleks PerdanaSiswa, Mainly it's because of the disqualification of 8 candidates...
for more info on the door incident, read:
The pro-Mahasiswa team is known to be anti-establishment while its rivals known as Penggerak Mahasiswa is pro-establishment.
Protesting against the disqualification of eight candidates – including two independents – pro-Mahasiswa students organised a rally outside PROF Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof's office [the deputy vice-chancellor student affairs and alumni at Universiti Malaya] at the Perdanasiswa complex, demanding the reinstatement of the candidates.
e-voting, e-nominations, e-appeals and e-objections...not credible la...
e-voting is a controversial issue before and it still is in UM, It was introduced in 2009/2010 without discussion or agreement nor democratic .
our votes are no longer kept secret and no one know for sure if the system is there had been 4 cases where the credibility of e-voting is questioned. 1st case: a few series of disturbance on the computer voting system at several places...what happened during these disturbance, was the voting tempered?
2nd case: computer position where others can see your vote
3rd case: computer positioned near guards which disturbed voters and made them uncomfortable
4th case: Wrongful information about voters in the system which made several voters not eligible to vote and the missing information on several qualified voters thus they also not qualified to vote anywhere.
Discussions and explanation from anti-establishment party were denied ruthlessly. Haish, University authorities also not fair one...ish ish ish...7 Candidates who won already was disqualified...wah, What's the use of the election then?
Ugly SPIT and rumours and the use of religion to spoil other candidate's reputation...exactly like in MALYAYSIAN POLITICS...smear people's name and image. Anti-establishment party used this type of approach to win votes? Haish, i'm so disappointed...
you see the words they said "Sanggupkah anda selaku mahasiswa islam menyokong calon begini?" and "mana letaknya ISLAM pada mereka? ISLAMkah anda yang mahu menyokong calon sekular begini?"
wah, so teruk la, campaign until like this!
anyways, tomorrow is the voting day and tomorrow also i got 2 tests to sit for...I'm not gonna vote by party...Vote by manifesto and qualifications and credibility lor...
One faculty candidate and one general candidate.
Woah, campaigning really takes up a lot of money...banner, poster, rafia string, cello-tape. the betting money....crazy! all ptptn money gone to waste...hope they recycle their papers after the created a lot of rubbish everywhere.
I wish they had a big board which all the candidate post they manifesto but one A4 size poster a candidate least in this way, it's not a popularity win but a win by what they are fighting or standing up for.
for more info on the door incident, read:
The pro-Mahasiswa team is known to be anti-establishment while its rivals known as Penggerak Mahasiswa is pro-establishment.
Protesting against the disqualification of eight candidates – including two independents – pro-Mahasiswa students organised a rally outside PROF Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof's office [the deputy vice-chancellor student affairs and alumni at Universiti Malaya] at the Perdanasiswa complex, demanding the reinstatement of the candidates.
e-voting, e-nominations, e-appeals and e-objections...not credible la...
e-voting is a controversial issue before and it still is in UM, It was introduced in 2009/2010 without discussion or agreement nor democratic .
our votes are no longer kept secret and no one know for sure if the system is there had been 4 cases where the credibility of e-voting is questioned. 1st case: a few series of disturbance on the computer voting system at several places...what happened during these disturbance, was the voting tempered?
2nd case: computer position where others can see your vote
3rd case: computer positioned near guards which disturbed voters and made them uncomfortable
4th case: Wrongful information about voters in the system which made several voters not eligible to vote and the missing information on several qualified voters thus they also not qualified to vote anywhere.
Discussions and explanation from anti-establishment party were denied ruthlessly. Haish, University authorities also not fair one...ish ish ish...7 Candidates who won already was disqualified...wah, What's the use of the election then?
Ugly SPIT and rumours and the use of religion to spoil other candidate's reputation...exactly like in MALYAYSIAN POLITICS...smear people's name and image. Anti-establishment party used this type of approach to win votes? Haish, i'm so disappointed...
you see the words they said "Sanggupkah anda selaku mahasiswa islam menyokong calon begini?" and "mana letaknya ISLAM pada mereka? ISLAMkah anda yang mahu menyokong calon sekular begini?"
wah, so teruk la, campaign until like this!
anyways, tomorrow is the voting day and tomorrow also i got 2 tests to sit for...I'm not gonna vote by party...Vote by manifesto and qualifications and credibility lor...
One faculty candidate and one general candidate.
Woah, campaigning really takes up a lot of money...banner, poster, rafia string, cello-tape. the betting money....crazy! all ptptn money gone to waste...hope they recycle their papers after the created a lot of rubbish everywhere.
I wish they had a big board which all the candidate post they manifesto but one A4 size poster a candidate least in this way, it's not a popularity win but a win by what they are fighting or standing up for.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
chap goh mei
We celebrate CNY for 15 is CHAP GOH MEI. The last day of the celebration. Every chap goh mei marks the first full moon of the year :)
There is a tradition where young single ladies will go and throw oranges into the sea, river or from on top the bridge and with the hope of finding their true love. PS: If you are thinking of doing this, don't forget to Write your name and hp number or email on the orange...haha.
All the single boys waiting for the throw...
Recently my mom has been asking me if I got anything for Valentines...even today...Then only I ter-remember this tradition which is on chap goh mei...haha XD
So to all you people, I know I'm 21 years old already but I won't throw any oranges into any river,sea, from a bridge just yet...I wanna concentrate on my studies and only after my degree will I start thinking of throwing an orange..LoL.
There is a tradition where young single ladies will go and throw oranges into the sea, river or from on top the bridge and with the hope of finding their true love. PS: If you are thinking of doing this, don't forget to Write your name and hp number or email on the orange...haha.
All the single boys waiting for the throw...
Recently my mom has been asking me if I got anything for Valentines...even today...Then only I ter-remember this tradition which is on chap goh mei...haha XD
So to all you people, I know I'm 21 years old already but I won't throw any oranges into any river,sea, from a bridge just yet...I wanna concentrate on my studies and only after my degree will I start thinking of throwing an orange..LoL.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
start of Spore 15s League
Last saturday was the beginning of the singapore rugby 15s league.
so there's gonna be a match every saturday till 12 march...home and away.
our first game was against Bucks and the match was at Republic Polytechnic,woodlands, singapore.
Initially the weather was quite thundering so we thought we might not be able to play at all!
Oh ya, Apai was the only "tour virgin"...she wasn't really treated as a tour virgin though.
Anyways, we started the game at 5.30pm and the rain had almost subsided.
This is my first time playing as a Outside Center, usually i play winger. Most of the back line played new positions so it was a new experience for all of us. It was a bit more pressuring to be a Outside Center because there is more responsibility compared to a winger's job. Next, no longer do I stay at the wing, but now i'm in the center of the field and there's more ball action aka more pressure.
I got scolding from Wei for not knowing when, where and how to guard dog. I wasn't aware when to realign and when to be in a straight line. Besides that, Wei told me not to mark people during guard dog cause i should close the gap first! Wei also reminded me many times on the field how to rush up in a line when we are in took me about the whole 1st half of the game to instill it in my brain that i must run outside shoulders to avoid the opponents from passing the ball.
first half ended with 3-0, Bucks scored a penalty goal.
when I received the ball from Bibi after she looped, i guess i wasn't deep enough so i couldn't run all the way in front of the forwards, instead I got stuck behind the forwards...yikes...
I mistackled 2x and that cause Bucks to score 2 tries..My fault! Ish, i must really learn how to tackle la.
Bucks score 3 tries altogether, converted 2 goals in the second half. Thus ending the game with a score of 22-0.
This is the first time we played all locals only in our team.
Apai did very good on her first game...Hani did a great job too.
Halina managed to throw straight balls in every line out. Overall, I think it was a good game and everyone did their best.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
assignment cram
whoa, it's the assignment craze right now. my time is crammed with assignments now.
6 assignments to complete asap(as soon as possible)
time not enough la... :(
yesterday i went to Pikki's minister of education is going off to Aussie to continue her path in education....
6 assignments to complete asap(as soon as possible)
time not enough la... :(
yesterday i went to Pikki's minister of education is going off to Aussie to continue her path in education....
Sunday, February 6, 2011
FEDERAL TERRITORY DAY! Feb 1st... new anthem which has a much faster beat but I still prefer the original song.
CNY! Ever since my grandparents died, it has been my family tradition to go up to Genting Highlands on Chinese New Year eve...
When I was younger, I liked the arcade games but now I feel a bit bored of arcade games already la.
So, what to do then? I'm still under aged to enter the casino so what me and my siblings usually do is go to any shop like coffeebean or starbucks then the eldest buy drinks for us then we chat and reconnect. Mini Reunion.
The journey to Genting and coming back from Genting Highland itself is fun...we'll be joking, making fun, solving riddles and telling interesting experiences in their lives..
I also think This is the first time my siblings and my mom slept in the same room...that's 6 person in a!
This year people whom i didn't expect sms-ed me to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
"u kan my friends..I akan ingat birthday kawan-kawan I"
Whoa, feel so terharu.
And by the way, YES, i did hide my birthday in FB...Why do you wanna know when is my birthday when I don't even remember when's yours? I don't even bother to remember la.
I went to Ms Wong's (my form 6 MUET teacher) house today...met a lot of current form 6 who knew me...Why bother remembering me when I myself don't bother to know your name also?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
fulfill ur bet day
Ok, I went to the optician, he said can't really do anything about the light disturbance. At the moment, I do not need a specs yet unless I feel eye strain or watery eyes or headaches...Nah, I don't feel none of those yet. So check my eyes again after a year loh. Really glad that I don't need specs cause firstly it cost money, secondly it kinda spoils my image and thirdly it would be tough doing sports with spectacles on.
I only have a few more days to fool around cause after this, I would officially be an adult! Oh Gosh, 21 years old this year. I guess I gotta start acting like 21 and stop behaving so childish and immature. Be a women of little words and stop playing around with words? Stop Lame Jokes? Bullying and sarcasm are another part of my life that may need to be demolished soon...
Today, I made Robin Hood aka Chandrakumar, a 11 years old boy fulfill the bet which he lost! For those who didn't know, ROBIN and I made a bet before I started University life: Whoever fails any subject, test, exam, quiz will have to RUN up and down the JALAN JEJAWI ten times non stop. Ten times each fail, so if I fail 2 exams and 1 quiz then I will have to run 30x non stop. At the moment, the bet will last till 2014.
Robin failed his music exam last year and so today he had to fulfill the bet aka face the punishment.
Background info on Robin Hood, he is a straight A student, quite brilliant but lazy to study. Only concentrates on IMPORTANT subjects, confident he will never fail in education.
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Lonely Spectacles, LoL |
I only have a few more days to fool around cause after this, I would officially be an adult! Oh Gosh, 21 years old this year. I guess I gotta start acting like 21 and stop behaving so childish and immature. Be a women of little words and stop playing around with words? Stop Lame Jokes? Bullying and sarcasm are another part of my life that may need to be demolished soon...
Today, I made Robin Hood aka Chandrakumar, a 11 years old boy fulfill the bet which he lost! For those who didn't know, ROBIN and I made a bet before I started University life: Whoever fails any subject, test, exam, quiz will have to RUN up and down the JALAN JEJAWI ten times non stop. Ten times each fail, so if I fail 2 exams and 1 quiz then I will have to run 30x non stop. At the moment, the bet will last till 2014.
Robin failed his music exam last year and so today he had to fulfill the bet aka face the punishment.
Background info on Robin Hood, he is a straight A student, quite brilliant but lazy to study. Only concentrates on IMPORTANT subjects, confident he will never fail in education.
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