Sunday, February 20, 2011

politic in UM elections

As some of you know, It's the UM election time now...I'm sure you saw the news on Star newspaper and NTV 7 night news...Students damaging the door of Kompleks PerdanaSiswa, Mainly it's because of the disqualification of 8 candidates...
for more info on the door incident, read:

The pro-Mahasiswa team is known to be anti-establishment while its rivals known as Penggerak Mahasiswa is pro-establishment.

Protesting against the disqualification of eight candidates – including two independents – pro-Mahasiswa students organised a rally outside PROF Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof's office [the deputy vice-chancellor  student affairs and alumni at Universiti Malayaat the Perdanasiswa complex, demanding the reinstatement of the candidates.

e-voting, e-nominations, e-appeals and e-objections...not credible la...

e-voting is a controversial issue before and it still is in UM, It was introduced in 2009/2010 without discussion or agreement nor democratic .

our votes are no longer kept secret and no one know for sure if the system is there had been 4 cases where the credibility of e-voting is questioned. 1st case: a few series of disturbance on the computer voting system at several places...what happened during these disturbance, was the voting tempered?

2nd case: computer position where others can see your vote

3rd case: computer positioned near guards which disturbed voters and made them uncomfortable

4th case: Wrongful information about voters in the system which made several voters not eligible to vote and the missing information on several qualified voters thus they also not qualified to vote anywhere.

Discussions and explanation from anti-establishment party were denied ruthlessly. Haish, University authorities also not fair one...ish ish ish...7 Candidates who won already was disqualified...wah, What's the use of the election then?

Ugly SPIT and rumours and the use of religion to spoil other candidate's reputation...exactly like in MALYAYSIAN POLITICS...smear people's name and image. Anti-establishment party used this type of approach to win votes? Haish, i'm so disappointed...

you see the words they said "Sanggupkah anda selaku mahasiswa islam menyokong calon begini?" and "mana letaknya ISLAM pada mereka? ISLAMkah anda yang mahu menyokong calon sekular begini?"

wah, so teruk la, campaign until like this!

anyways, tomorrow is the voting day and tomorrow also i got 2 tests to sit for...I'm not gonna vote by party...Vote by manifesto and qualifications and credibility lor...

One faculty candidate and one general candidate.

Woah, campaigning really takes up a lot of money...banner, poster, rafia string, cello-tape. the betting money....crazy! all ptptn money gone to waste...hope they recycle their papers after the created a lot of rubbish everywhere.

I wish they had a big board which all the candidate post they manifesto but one A4 size poster a candidate least in this way, it's not a popularity win but a win by what they are fighting or standing up for.

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