Thursday, March 3, 2011

asgnmt n presentation time of d year

It has come to that time of the semester where everyone is busy and stressed. Nope, not the exam yet, but it's the assignment and presentation week with a sprinkle of mid term test.

Arh, what a stressful time, being in the same group with people who say "Ok, no prob, I can do it" but ending up not doing anything? How stressful it is to be in the same group with people who give up, they say "I don't know how to do it, so ask someone else to do" or those who say "I don't know how to use a computer" or "I don't have a computer".

reluctant team mates who just prefer to be free riders...
Whoa, Life is so WONDERFUL for them.
It's all because lecturers don't want to mark so many assignments so they give group assignments.
Well, that's gotta learn how to work with people from various character.
It all comes down to the art of Management: The art of getting something done with and through people.
Keeping your cool and being patient otherwise you'll get neck pain and back pain. Stress affects your sternocleidomastoid muscles which gives neck pain and then when the stress builds up, the pain will go down to your back and thus having a back pain.

Be cool, relax, chill and try your best to not hit someone and try to avoid swearing XP

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