Sunday, October 9, 2011

bag challenge

The news tells the baby age and the mom's age but not the father's age? I do wonder why?
There is nothing about other children so I'm guessing this is their first baby at the wife's age of 39.

A man so desperate...he wanted sexual intercourse during the wife's confinement and it was just the 23rd day that the baby was born. How can the father sodomize his own son? 23 days old only?

This is sex desires can turn one into a monster. .

Were the couple trying so hard to get a baby since they got married until the wife's age of 39? So they had frequent sex?

Ah, the observations we can assume based on the limited information and the style of writing the media reveals. The news is what is stated, but your understanding goes as far as you want to think. This is something I learn from my Kemahiran Orator BM (Bm Orator Skills) class. Observe and analyse.

Ok, on to the main topic today.
Meet my new bag...Polka White
I just bought it yesterday. She was rm 35 but a course mate helped me get it at rm 32.
The bag is to change my image...ain't it more girly?

Ok, so I was challenged to keep the bag clean and make sure it doesn't tear within 2 months.

Sounds simple and easy? YEAH, but it's not going to be as easy as it sounds for me.

I have bad histories with bags and shoes. They get spoilt and torn quite frequent. Maybe it's because I use them too often that it worn out easily or perhaps I stuff too many things and heavy things in my bags?

So, this bag is white!!! Take care of it....
Besides the color, I think the zips, bag strap and bag stitches will be things to look out for. These are the vulnerable parts.

How am I going to take on this challenge? 
Bring only necessary things and take care where I place my bag. 
Bring an umbrella at all times to avoid it from getting wet under the rain. 
Maybe this bag will only be used for class? meaning when I go out, I will try not to carry a bag everywhere I go. Don't bring Polka unnecessarily around. 

So, my habit of bringing a bag everywhere I go will also end. Yeah, quite big changes huh...

At the moment, the only flaw on this bag is there's a red pen mark there. I'm not sure whether I did it or not.
2 months and We'll see what is the outcome of the bag on 8th Dec 2011.


  1. OMG! I read that in the news, so disgusting man T__T

    And nice bag. Hahaha. I usually have troubles bringing too many stuff in a bag. XP Good luck oi!

  2. use handbags more than bagpacks right? So, i think your bags don't worn out so fast...
