Saturday, September 26, 2009

wed, thurs n fri of d raya hols

Hi hi, So, here's how I spent my last few days of my superb holidays! Yeah, baby!

I read the "Naked Gospel" halfway...although there was many biblical references, but somehow my heart doesn't want to accept it...haha.
I slept over at Amma's house. (Amma is my babysitter/guardian, I grew up in her house)Amma shifted la, the new house is nice :)
We went to the padang and I spent the most of the day with Snow White, Robin Hood, Little John and Tom Thumb.There was some time spent with Tinker Bell and Amma lah. We watched a few movies and walked around...Yeah, we had fun, or least I had fun :P

Rugby training...Yay!
then I went for Young Adults(YA). A psalm of David..63, physically depraved but spiritually healthy... whoa!

I received a letter from SUFES or Scripture Union. Here's some of the content:
...Congratulations! You are chosen as one of the 10 Rosie Cheah's National Postal BK Quiz Award recipients for 2009. You are chosen because of the high total percentage in your scoring for the last 2 years. Thank you for your participation in the Quiz and putting excellent effort into it. We hope that the discipline of studying God's word has benefited you and we hope that you will continue to nurture the habit until it becomes a natural part of your life so that your spiritual foundation will be strengthen as you do so.

The award that you won id not only a special personalized medal but also a free Scripture Union camp available from November 2009 to March 2010. The camps available are listed below:

1. CSI Camp..............23-26 Nov 2009.........SUFES Campsite, Tapah
2. NSCF Leader's Camp..23-28 Nov 2009........STM, Seremban
3. Sports Camp..........14-17 Dec 2009............Ipoh
4. ZMax Camp..........March 2010 school break..Cameron Highland

Thanks for sending in your application for the award. We trust that this will be an encouragement to you to study the word of God further and not just for the Quiz. Call in or email in as soon as you can to let us know whether you have received this letter...

If I'm right, ZMax camp is for children la...
STPM is from 18 NOV 2009 to 10 DEC 2009.
Before this, back in 2005, I wanted to go for Sports Camp la...But now I get to go for it for FREE some more! Fuyoh!

Girls Christian Camp. A significant part of my life. Loads of friends and experiences to gain...I started in 2007 as assistant to sub leader, 2008 as sub leader. A lot of new situation, always been a close-to-heart camp, impacted me deeply physically, emotionally and spiritually too. Hui Yi, Kai Xuan, Jasmine Chuah, Jo-Anne, Ji-Anne and siblings, Ee Ling, Jo-Yi, Amanda Ho, Jolene n loads of other girls that really draws me to girls' camp.
15-19 Dec 2009

BGC YF camp. Where I found my God. I feel obligated as I'm in the YF committee and I was the assistant leader of my Care Group in YF. YF paid half of the fee to RBS. YF is basically my church background. It groomed and cared for me. Kathryn Gan and Sue May are the ones that draws me to BGC YF camp.
17-21 Dec 2009

hmm, why la all clash? Can't life be simpler?
Decisions and Choices = Kos Lepas yang sangat tinggi.
Kos Lepas: Pilihan atau alternatif kedua terbaik yang terpaksa dilepaskan bagi mendapatkan pilihan atau alternatif pertama.

Now which aspect should I make my choice/s by?
Pengguna/Isi Rumah:
Pilihan berdasarkan KEPUASAN MAKSIMA terhadap sesuatu barang
my heart

Pilihan berdasarkan projek/pengeluaran yang memberikan KEUNTUNGAN MAKSIMA & KOS YANG MINIMUM
Abandon all...prob solved...haha

my mind

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